The Impact of Nonprofit Organizations in Nashville, Tennessee on Animal Welfare and Conservation

As Nashville continues to expand, it is essential for the community to coexist with our wildlife neighbors in order to ensure everyone has a happy and healthy life. To make this possible, the NWCC provides the public with resources and solutions. Animal welfare and community education are top priorities for these organizations. Congress is expected to pass the CWD Research and Management Act to combat Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), a contagious and deadly disease that affects deer and elk. The North American Grasslands Conservation Act is essential for restoring North American rangelands and prairies.

The Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (PR) of 1937 and the Dingell-Johnson (DJ) Sportfishing Restoration Act of 1952 provide funds for the conservation of the U. S. system, which “pay the users”. The House of Representatives voted in favor of passing the United States Wildlife Recovery Act (RAWA).

More than 1,400 animal and plant species in Tennessee are at risk of being threatened or endangered. The Duck River is home to more than 50 species of freshwater mussels and 150 species of fish. This settlement maintains a water withdrawal limitation in the Duck River. The Federation joined other NGOs and formed a coalition. Within days of forming the coalition, more than 1,200 people sent emails to their legislators opposing bills that endangered public land. There is a less common skunk found in Tennessee called the Eastern spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius).

This species is one of those that most needs conservation. The populations of the common brown bat in Tennessee have been so affected in recent decades that it has been designated as one of the species with the greatest need for conservation. Recovering the United States Wildlife Act can help these bats and other endangered species. Historically, the laurel dacia (Chrosomus saylori) is known to be found in a limited number of streams on the Cumberland Plateau, making it incredibly rare and unique to Tennessee. The House of Representatives passed the CWD Research and Management Act (H, R.).

This law will support management efforts and research to combat chronic wasting disease. Surveys conducted across the state showed that the vast majority of waterfowl hunters were dissatisfied with the methods used to select who could use a certain duck shutter on public land. Always in favor of more equitable practices, Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is here and is a major threat to Tennessee's deer and elk populations, as well as to the conservation funds they generate for all wildlife. Help lead Tennessee's wildlife and habitat conservation movement by making your voice heard. The Volkswagen Community Grant Program has enabled positive economic, environmental, and social change in Tennessee. In order to protect our wildlife neighbors, it is essential for Nashville's community to come together and support nonprofit organizations that are dedicated to animal welfare and conservation. These organizations are working hard to pass laws such as CWD Research and Management Act, North American Grasslands Conservation Act, Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (PR), Dingell-Johnson (DJ) Sportfishing Restoration Act, United States Wildlife Recovery Act (RAWA), Volkswagen Community Grant Program, etc., which are essential for protecting endangered species like Eastern spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius) and laurel dacia (Chrosomus saylori) as well as combating Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).

They are also working towards creating more equitable practices for waterfowl hunters by opposing bills that endanger public land. It is important for us all to join forces with these organizations in order to ensure our wildlife neighbors have a happy and healthy life. By supporting these organizations we can help protect our environment from further destruction.